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Monday, April 5, 2010

Love is not about being together everytime,everyday.. Love is about loving your significant other. No matter what condition they are in.. No matter what they have done that hurts you the most. Love is not about who you are with but what you've become when you're with them. Love is actually a simple thing that makes.. most of us feel complete! :))

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Im in JB now!!! Rumah nenek ku! Huhu! :P Im feeling sooo damn bored! Orang datang sini nak cat rumah nenek aku,aku datang sini,pinjam kakak sdara aku nyer laptop pastu FACEBOOK-ing lah aper lagi! Huahuahuahua!! Biasal lah kan aku. aper lagi aku bole buat kan?? Pening ni! Sakit kepala.. maybe because of the cuaca yang tak betol kan?? Asek panas hujan panas hujan jer.. abe nari panas terik!! Saper bole tahan babe! -_-" Haizzz.. aperlah nasib kan?? Kpala macam nk hentak jer kat dinding nie.. hmmmm... Tak bole nak tahan oii...

Aniwaes,besok rasa macam nak makan Ben & Jerry's Chocolate ice cream lahhhh.... Kempunan den nk makan itu ice cream nohh.. Hehehe! Tak kesah lah nak jugak lah! Huhuhu!! Nak ajak sesaper yang pree lah besok! :)) Oklah i think i better stop blogging for todae.. ungkin malam nanti aku masok blog lagi ehkk.... Bye babes and hunks kuu!! :))) <3 <3

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Never change your originality for the sake of others,because no one can play your role better than you.So be yourself, because whatever you are, YOU are the best.. =))

Whats the point of changing yourself for someone else's sake?? Stupid izen it? My ex boifren calls me stubborn! Damn! Don't tell me he wants me to change for him? Hu does he think i am? His ex GF?? Pffttt!! Please,eventho i love u so damn much dat dazen mean i will change for you! I am me and i will NEVER EVER change just for the sake of sumone.. This is me,and please if u can't accept how i am then u ken joly well fuck off! Hu cares if ur good looking or watsoever shit that u have.. I wont lose a thing ifi dont change for you.. This is me,and this is how i am. Please,i dont ask u to change yourself for me,and i never wan t u to change yourself for me,so why the hell must you want me to change my stubbornness just for you? Dont tell me you're not stubborn cos baby then i'd sae you're FUCKING BULLSHIT!:)) Idiot moron you! Urrrghhh!!! How i wish you read dis blog and finds out urselef how MORONIC YOU ARE!! -_-"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm tired of trying to please everyone around me every single time! From now on,im gonna be my ownself.. If you don't like it,you can joly well FUCK OFF. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

I don't know why but im feeling rather sad today.. :"( I have this feeling that ive been feeling for a few days now.. Benn wanting to talk to someone about it but i guess everyones busy huh?? So it's ok.. :) I dowanna burden them either so nevermind.. Haiz.. I don't think ive been very happy myself for the past few months.. I mean ive tried and im smiling but like people say,behind those smile lies a thousand sadness.. Hahaha! Ive been keeping myself rather busy so as not to think of whatever that has happened. As much as i love him but i know i do not wana be with him animore. Ive been trying so hard to avoid him and trying alota new things but all thoses memories we've had are just there.. You know.. i mean as in there infront of me.. Im tired of feeling this way,and im sure alota my friends are tired of seeing me this wae.. I am trying,trust me.. But all this needs procces,needs time to ferget all thoses memories ive had with dat guy.. Ive been wanting so bad to leave everything behind and just move forward but maybe im not that strong enaf eyy?? Or mayb ive not tried that hard enaf.. Why the hell am i still thinking of someone like him when theres alota guys who loves me more then i love him.. I dont understd why is love so complicated?? Why is love so hard to let go;once you've fallen soo deep fer that someone?? Why is love so frustrating?? Urrrgghhh!! Ive been thinking.. i thot of staying in JB for awhile,since im not werking,so that mayb i kud release my stress there and mayb i kud calm myself there.. Carik ketenangan gtu.. Cos honestly,staying in Singapore,im still thinking of him,eventho i do not wanna have him in my MIND! Goodness! What happeneing to me?? Ya Allah,berikanlah hambamu ketenangan dan kekuatan untuk menjalani masalah ini... :"( Mayb i should stay in JB for awhile huh?? Haiz..


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dorg nyer second house! :P
Part time BF Zee... hahaha

He's so freaking engross in playing his PSP..Nilah lelaki..

Mine my hair.. hahah nk step emo tapi tk menjadi gtu hahaha!

I din noe that Sheikh was Zee's workmate.. LOL!

Ouuuhhhkkkk,since macam da lamer gtu aku tak blogging blogging kan meh sini aku blog lagi! Hehehe! Aniwaes, went out with this two crazy people yesterday.. haha wasnt planned actually.. It was avery very very last minute plan.. Errmm since Sheikh is on his off dae and Zee took MC cos she was 'SICK' (hehe) so we went out for sheeshaaaaa.. hehehe! Was suppose to meet them at 230 at Bugis buden biasalah kan kiter pompan.. hehehe atlast mit up kul 3 petang.. Kesian lah Sheikh kener tunggu kan kan kan?? Hehehe tapi tkper.. gentleman kan kan?? :P Soo lepas tu we went to eat kat Tong Seng,chit chat and evriting.. and den Zee has to go off and Sheikh asked me to teman him go Aljunied fer this thing called LFI tingy ahh.. heheh. So i accompanied him,i tot kejap jer kan.. skali nk tau aper?? Sampai kul 12 lah sehhh train pon da takder.. hahahah!! Sedeh perrr! Heehe.. aniwaes after all that i reached home at around 1 i guess hehehe.. So yealah.. Overall i really had fun yesterdae.. Lagi2 jumper pompan tuu.. hahaha da lamer siol tk jumper dektu! Zee ouhh Zee.. maner lah ko menghilang kan dat time.. huahuahauhauahu!! Aniwaes enjoi the rest of the pics lah oke.. :))

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

GOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOORRRRNNNIINNNGGG PEOPLE!!! Im like super fresh right now even when i got to sleep for only 4 hours! Goodness! I think i have to stop sleeping late already! Din you know that not having enough sleep can actually cause DEATH!? Jeng jeng jeng.. Surprising?? Well it's true.. Hahahahaha! Aniwaes,it's raining and i feel like sleeping again but my eyes just can't close... Hahaha! Macam maner nie! My mom,daddy and my granddad are off to Melacca for a short trip,due to some things that my grandad has to settle.. Ouhhh well it's gonna be another boring day for now huh?? I gotta go find a job SOON already,if not i'll die of boredome at home!!! Arrrgggghhhh!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Heheheh! :))

Aniwaes,i wanna ask something can?? Why do we people,ok i mean some of us,when we really wanna ferget that someone,we tend to keep thinking of them even more?? Why ehk?? I mean,im trying very hard to ferget that someone now,but the more i try,the more i kept thinking of him. The more i try to push him awae the more i wanna be near him,the more i try hating him,the more i love him! Macam maner nie skarang?? Giler ah! Well mayb ive not tried hard enough huh?? Haiz! Ive got to try harder now.. Even harder then before! Yes,thats it! Come on Dee,you can do it! JIA YOU!! :)))) Hmmm,dalah i wanna go sleep for lil bit longer and then wake up and mayb go meet up wid darling Harizah and Baby Nadia.... Well ferst leme msg them dulu.. Kalau tak luper oii!! Heheheh! Have a pleasant and wonderful Wednesday darlings! :))


Choholi'q Love
20 years young
Don't Kiss Me, I might BITE!


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